To blanket or not to blanket? Ever wonder how a horse survives outside in brutal winter conditions like we’re having? Academia Liberti wrote a fascinating blog about how a horse’s body adapts to hot and cold weather conditions, and how blanketing works or doesn’t work. You can read the entire article by clicking here. He’s […]
Archive: October 2014
Reach Out to Horses® with Anna Twinney Here’s an opportunity that rarely comes around. Anna Twinney is one of the foremost experts worldwide on trust-based partnerships between humans and horses, and she’ll be sharing her insights here Oct. 12-14. We still have room for clinic auditors and Holistic Day participants (Friday only), so sign up […]
A Friday evening with clinician Melisa Pearce Nationally recognized horsewoman, clinician, psychotherapist and author Melisa Pearce will be at Spirit Horse Center May 4 for an “Equi-Spiritual” evening. She’ll talk about the clairsentience and vibrational field of horses, chakra and ties between horses and humans, and more. Start time is 7:45 p.m. – light appetizers, […]
Preparing for the riding season Spring is quickly coming (Some might argue that it’s been here since November!) so we want to share with your some things that horse owners can do to prepare themselves and their horses for the riding season. Click here for 10 great tips – or a checklist, if you prefer […]
Winter Blanket Tips Using blankets for your horse in the winter sounds like a fairly simple and straightforward proposition. But it’s not. Blankets differ in quality, types, fitting and how they fasten to the horse. There are also some tricks to washing and waterproofing them. Click here for 10 great tips for what to look […]