News from Spirit Horse Center - October 2010
Winter horse care reminders
• Click here for Top Ten Winter Blanket Tips, which includes valuable information on buying and caring for winter blankets. All blankets are not created equal, and buying the wrong type can prove to be an expensive adventure.
• Check your winter water equipment. Clean your tank heaters and automatic stock waterers or water tanks to ensure that everything is clean and in good repair.
• Check your hay supply carefully this year, especially round bales. With all the rain this summer, it was a challenging year to put up hay correctly. Check for hidden internal dust and mold pockets.
Similar Spirits Women and Horses
OK ladies, here’s your chance to enjoy yourselves at the barn while getting some riding instruction, learning a little about horses and socializing with other women who have a passion for horses. There are two sessions coming up this winter. Visit our Web site calendar for more information and sign up today!
Winter Gala & Tack Swap coming in January
Set your calendar for January 29. It’s the annual Spirit of the Horse Winter Gala Open House and Tack Swap. We have an excellent lineup of experts who will give demonstrations and answer questions. We’ll also have a Marketplace and, of course, the popular tack swap for those who want to sell or buy tack. Watch our Web site for more details. It’s free and open to the public.
Little Spirits on Saturdays
The fall sessions for Little Spirits are filling up! If your kids are interested in spending a few Saturdays at the barn, learning about horses, getting riding lessons and generally having a blast, then sign them up today. We have three-Saturday sessions running throughout the fall and winter. Check out the schedule on our Web site calendar.
Health care in a horse barn?
Next time you’re at the barn, stop in to meet Dr. Don Wasilensky DC, a retired chiropractor who now practices Reconnective Healing, Pain Release Therapy as well as other health and wellness services. He’s also a dealer for the amazing Silver Sol products. For more information on his services, call him at 218-232-0262.
Proud to host Mounted Eagles
Spirit Horse Center is proud to be the host site for Mounted Eagles Therapeutic Horsemanship for Persons with Disabilities, a non-profit organization that uses horse riding as therapy for persons with disabilities. Every week, for a day and a half, Mounted Eagles uses our facilities for this wonderful program. Visit the Mounted Eagles Web site for more information on donating or volunteering.
Raw pet food for sale at Spirit Horse Center
Spirit Horse Center sells Omas Pride Pet Raw Food products. Discover the many health benefits of feeding your pet the way nature intended with all natural raw frozen pet food. Contact Staci at 218-839-3076 for details.