Holistic Horse Day October 11th 2024

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Reach out to Horses approved curriculum for  the following clinics  –  as taught by Spirit Horse Center owner, trainer and instructor Staci Grattan

HOLISTIC HORSE DAY October 11th, 2024 – dip your toes in the water of horse whispering

October 11th, 2024 Holistic Horsemanship Day with Holistic Horsemanship Instructor Staci explore muscle testing, animal communication,  and the nature of the horse, horse psychology and the language of Equus in this awesome day jam packed with information.

Topics covered:

The nature of the horse, learning styles, body language, horse psychology and more.

Kinesiology  – Muscle testing for supplements – lecture, demo and group activity for hands on experience.

Animal Communication –  This is a birthright all have access to. Using telepathy and more to communicate with our animal loved ones. Lecture, Q&A, Demo and Excercise

Exploring the Round Pen, lecture, q&A and demo. How do we take all we’ve learned today and put it to practical use?

This will be largely an  informational and demonstration clinic – there will be some hands on opportunities and exercises however there will not be a ton of hands on horsemanship this day. You may combine with the two day liberty clinic October 12&13 for hands on horsemanship (register for all three below). This is a day set for multiple participants to enjoy and we explore several aspects of holistic horsemanship. This is a great day outing for friends to attend together and enjoy. Physical demand level is very low for this day.

* EARLY BIRD PRICING $99 if paid in full by September 15th, 2024 (non refundable) -$135 if combined with auditing the liberty clinic listed below.

*$125 if paid after September 15th, 2024 – $160 if combined with auditing the liberty clinic.

Registration form:



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