News from Spirit Horse Center - February 2014
To blanket or not to blanket?
Ever wonder how a horse survives outside in brutal winter conditions like we’re having? Academia Liberti wrote a fascinating blog about how a horse’s body adapts to hot and cold weather conditions, and how blanketing works or doesn’t work. You can read the entire article by clicking here.
He’s coming back! Dominique Barbier
International riding expert and author Dominique Barbier is returning to Spirit Horse Center April 4-6 for another weekend riding clinic. It’s an excellent chance to learn Barbier’s riding methods and philosophies, which cross over all disciplines. You can bring your horse and participate in the clinic or watch as an auditor. He’ll also be available Saturday night to discuss his newest book. Click here for details!
Bourn for photography
There’s no better way to capture your riding experiences than with professional photography. Bourn Photography records the biggest events at Spirit Horse Center and now they can photograph you and your horse, your family, your family events, etc. Click here to view Mallory Bourn’s work and for details on how to contact her for more information.
Masterson Method Massage
You don’t nedto be a trained masseuse to learn how to release stress in your horse. Join us for The Masterson Method Massage Clinic June 7-8 and learn how to touch your horse and recognize visual responses that can help you release stress. Click here for more details.
Anna’s gone but not forgotten
If you missed Anna Twinney’s weekend clinic at Spirit Horse Center last November, you missed a lot. Anna always packs in a ton of information in her clinics and this one was no different. Click here to read our blog about the clinic and some of the major points that she made during the weekend. And then watch for dates of Anna’s next visit to Spirit Horse Center.
Compost and manure – free!
Come and get it! Start thinking spring. When the snow melts and you need compost or fertilizer for your garden, we have great compost, manure, and black dirt for free! It’s a limited offer and we charge a small loading fee.
Call us for details: 218-825-4944.