Essential Oils – Spring Uses for your Animals
Spirit Horse Center is affiliated with Young Living Essential Oils Sales Representative. Contact Staci @ the barn with any questions about Essential Oils & their uses on animals & humans.
1) Tick repellent. The ticks are out already! Use an ounce or two of a”carrier oil” such as mineral oil, grape seed or cooking oil and three to five drops of peppermint or grapefruit oil. Mix together on your hands and rub through your dog’s coat before letting him out. Pay special attention to his legs, chest, ears & belly. Re-apply every day or two. Can also be applied to the docks, forelocks & legs of horses to discourage ticks.
2) Thrush treatment for horses. Clean hooves thoroughly and apply 3 to 5 drops of Oregano oil neat to the bottom of each hoof concentrating on the grooves around the frog area. Let the horse stand on clean concrete or wood floor for five minutes after application if possible. Apply daily until resolved – usually about three days.
3) Calming for horses post spring veterinary or dental work. Try Peace & Calming, Valor, Joy, Gentle Baby, Lavender or Orange to name but a few. This is an individual choice by the animal. Always “ask permission” prior to application. Some may simply wish to sniff the open bottle while others will appreciate application of a drop or two to the chest.
4) Spring has sprung and so has your mare! Ahhh yes those lovely heat cycles. As we prepare for show and trail riding season we can help those “marish” days with Dragon Time, Gentle Baby or Sage. As always preference will vary by horse. Possible application suggestions include on a paper towel in the stall, on your person, a drop or two applied to the chest. Remember less is usually more. Start slow by letting your girl smell first.
5) Sore muscles from spring training. Lavender, marjoram, or ortho flex. Applied to affected areas mixed with a carrier oil such as mineral oil or grape seed oil.