News from Spirit Horse Center - August 2010
Check your hay and grass for hoary alyssum
Don’t take your hay or pasture grass for granted, it could be tainted with a weed called hoary alyssum, which is toxic to horses. The signs that your horse may have eaten the week include depression and swelling of the lower legs, which occurs 12 to 24 hours after ingesting hoary alyssum. A fever and short-term diarrhea may also occur. These signs normally subside two to four days later. Click here to visit the University of Minnesota’s Extension Service Web site for more information.
Recipe: Homemade fly spray
Here’s an inexpensive recipe for making non-toxic fly spray for horses the Spirit Horse Center way!In an average-sized spray bottle:
Fill 1/4 full with mineral oil (can be found in Fleet Farm’s health section)
Add 10 drops of Young Living peppermint essential oil
Add 10 drops of Young Living Purification blend essential oils
One healthy squirt of Dawn dish soap
Fill remainder with water
Shake well before each use
If the flies are really persistent during peak season, add 5 drops of Young Living Idaho Tansy essential oil
(Young Living Essential Oils and products are available at Spirit Horse Center)
Need protection from gnats?
Young Living Animal Scents ointments spread in a thin layer over problem areas (ears, chest, belly, etc.) can create protection for up to two days!(Young Living Essential oils and products available at Spirit Horse Center)
Little Spirits calendar set for coming school year
Do the kids need something fun to do when school’s out this year? Send them to camp at Spirit Horse Center. The schedule is available for the coming school year, and it includes Saturday sessions for kids ages 3-12 as well as day camps during vacation breaks and early-out days. It’s an affordable, fun and safe way to keep the kids active when they’re not in school. Go to our Calendar for more information.
Horsemanship for college credit?
Spirit Horse Center is partnering this fall with Central Lakes College again to offer a Basic Horsemanship class, which emphasizes safety, balance and communication between horse and rider. All classes are held at Spirit Horse Center. Contact CLC for registration information: 218-855-8000.
Try Pilates for free!
Pilates classes are offered at Spirit Horse Center by Jody Davis of Points North Pilates. Come and experience a fun, full body workout. Whether you’ve done Pilates before or not, you will benefit from this class. All you will need is comfortable clothing and a yoga/pilates mat. First trial session is free. Classes are $60 for eight one-hour sessions. Classes are offered Wednesdays 9-10 am and Fridays 9-10 am – private or scheduled group sessions also available. Contact Jody Davis for more details at or 218-232-8533.
Come dance with us!
Spirit Movement Dance Studio, located in the Mezzanine at Spirit Horse Center, offers group and private dance instruction in Latin, Ballroom, Swing and Expression. Join Oscar and Michelle Gonzalez at Spirit Movement Dance Studio. Fall group lesson schedule beginning soon. Group classes are a fun and cost-effective way to learn basic steps. Contact Michelle at or call 218-270-0472. Become of fan of Spirit Movement Dance Studio on Facebook and find out all upcoming class details.
Raw pet food for sale at Spirit Horse Center
Did you know Spirit Horse Center sells Omas Pride Pet Raw Food products? Discover the many health benefits of feeding your pet the way nature intended with all natural raw frozen pet food. Contact Staci at Spirit Horse Center for details.
Recommended Reading
“The Tao of Equus” by Linda Kohanov explores the possibility that horses are highly evolved, spiritual beings that offer humans opportunities for healing and personal growth. Kohanov is most interested in what horses can teach us. Click here for more information.
“The Principles of Riding” by the German National Equestrian Federation is a classic teaching manual that provides a complete basic instruction course for horse and rider using the German training system. No matter if you are a jumper, dressage or trail rider, this book is probably the most complete reference book for every beginner through first level rider. Click here for more information.